On the Fly

Today is the official first day back at work after the holidays.  It was hard to get up this morning, mainly because I also had to go to the dentist!  It was only a check-up, but I could think of better things to do!  Undaunted, I got into the car (I usually walk, but if you had seen the rain and wind………) and managed to arrive in good time.  In fact, due to an abundance of emergency appointments I had ages to wait, but thankfully I had thought ahead…..

When the appointment was made (6 months ago) I hadn’t considered it being the first day for the dentist to be back at work.  It didn’t even occur to me this morning, but at the last minute I picked up a needle and thread and the fabric I showed you yesterday.  I actually sat and stitched in the dentist’s waiting room.  TAST has begun, and I’ll slowly add more information here as I do a little more. (It’s now finished, so do go here to look.)   I was so pleased that the impromptu act meant that I wasn’t sitting there twiddling my thumbs and thinking of everything I could have been doing.  The stitch is Fly Stitch, which is a very useful embroidery stitch, and has lots of possibilities.  (Take a look here to see the work in progress as it continues – more added on 4th Jan)

So, finally I was in the dentist’s chair for just a few shortish minutes.  During that time the clouds began to part, the wind dropped and blue sky made an appearance.  What a relief!  Trees are down in many roads, one local house has it’s driveway blocked by a fallen tree and debris is everywhere.  We have no damage, though, and for that I am extremely thankful.

I hope you are all safe too.  We need rain here, but it was so heavy that it has all just run away into the drains.

Just Snaps

365 Days of Colour

View from the Back Door

16 thoughts on “On the Fly

  1. I’ve heard a lot about the terrible storm in the U.K. Glad your home wasn’t damaged!

    That’s beautiful work you did in the dentist’s waiting room! 🙂 4ht of April, it’s my turn..


  2. I am very envious when looking at how other people are doing TAST – such great fabric, threads and interpretations! Well done and I hope to check in with you again


  3. My adrenalin’s in high gear when I visit the dentist…just because. I don’t think I could focus upon anything other than calming my nerves, let alone knitting.

    god blessed you…for being able to multi-task that way… 🙂


  4. You’re one of those clever people I see!!! So talented, I remember in school having to do some embroidery and the teacher introduced mine as a ‘duster’!!!! Thank you for your like!!!


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