Just for fun

I’m not sure where I saw this first, but, against my better judgement, I gave this a try.  Here’s the result.  I don’t like the colours, but, of course, the deduction is absolutely 100% correct


Your rainbow is shaded violet and green.

What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you’ve mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

18 thoughts on “Just for fun

  1. Apparently, my rainbow is shaded white? The one color I do not wear or use, except as dinner plates because colored dinner plates bum me out. Also, I am tranquil? Since when?

    Maybe this quiz knows something I do not. I like the quiz version of me as it makes me sound reliable, which is nice.

    I never do these sorts of quizzes, but I loved yours– your rainbow personality is wonderful!


      1. You know that old saw, “To thine own self be true.”? Well, the last two weeks have proven that “thine” is true to one thing in a tight space: shouting profanity.

        So, had this come up, say a month ago, I would have nodded and said, “Of COURSE I’m patient! Of course….”

        My blog post today will tell you otherwise. (No actual profanity is used! However, no patience either!)


  2. haha…that was fun ! Mine said – Your rainbow is intensely shaded violet, red, and brown. ( violet is not a colour I like ! ) and goes on to say Your rainbow is intensely shaded violet, red, and brown. and goes on to say –
    You are a passionate person. You appreciate the roughness of nature. You feel closer to people when you understand their imperfections. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you’ve mastered it.

    All good except that last bit as I am very far from patient…very far… thanks for sharing… though 🙂


  3. Well, that was fun, but you’re right, their taste in colors is horrible! (Mine came out in several ugly shades of orange and blackish brown.)

    On the other hand, the personality descriptions are very very insightful. Um, flattering. Whatever. 😉


  4. I took the quiz twice with a different result each time, but it was a fun exercise. Your results seem pretty accurate Myfanwy!


  5. Completed it just for fun. My rainbow is coloured violet … “You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you’ve mastered it.”


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